Tuesday, November 23, 2010

National Debt Crisis

I believe that the United States government needs to start changing things if we want America’s future to look better. The first thing I believe that needs to really change is for the Obama administration and the Republicans and Democrats to work on getting us out of debt. One of the plans had the idea of raising 15 cents a gallon on the federal gasoline tax, and another idea was to raise the retirement age for Social Security to possibly 69. I think that it is good that they are coming up with ideas to get America out of debt, but they are going to have to do more because people in office can’t accept the Social Security and spending cuts. Also I believe that both the Republicans and Democrats are so worried about reelection no one wants do anything. The Democrats and Obama need to show America that they are serious about their pledge of long term deficits and the Republicans need to show that they are willing to consider tax increases. I believe that the debt is one of the most important things holding this country back and we are going to need strong leaders to help us overcome the debt. I believe that the U.S. needs to stop wasting money on stupid activities and projects. One problem that needs to stop is the government continuing its uninhibited spending, and they need to stop wasting and spending money more than what the government takes in resulting in inflation. We need to start coming up with ideas to fix our debt instead of blowing it off because if we don’t start now it is going to be a big problem in the future.

1 comment:

  1. In response to the article “National Debt Crisis” written by author Zachary Waggoner it has key points on the United States national debt problem. In the article it discusses key points on ways to improve the debt. One point is to increase the age of the retirement age for Social Security to 69. I would say that I would have to disagree with this tactic because it would have a huge impact on me and future Americans requiring them to work longer. I would like to agree with the author on the point that officials are being scarred to make drastic decisions because they want to stay in office. In this world today if an official makes a drastic change it could have a huge impact on his future in office. I also agree that the Government is spending millions of dollars on certain projects that are piling up debt. These projects are wasting millions of U.S. dollars and taxpayer money. I do have to disagree with the author on the point that we need stronger leaders to improve our debt. I believe right now we have some of the strongest leaders in office right now trying to cut our debt down. Right now President Obama is trying to get a tax cut deal passed. I also disagree with inflation being a problem right now. If raising prices right now is able to help reduce the debt and then in a few reduce prices I believe it worth the price. In the end I believe the author had key issues that supported the problem of the National debt and listed many good ideas to help the nation reduce the problem.
