Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Response to Illegal Immigration

After reading a blog called “Illegal Immigration” from America Soup Talk by Josh Waggoner I felt I really learned something about illegal immigration in the U.S. I would have to say that I agree with my colleague that the government does really need to start doing more to protect the U.S. citizens and do more to punish and keep out the illegals. In my colleagues blog he discuses how if immigrants are caught the first time they only serve a two month prison service, and a second offense is only two years in prison. I believe that my colleague is correct and that there should be a greater punishment to scare them from trying to enter illegally. In this blog there are a lot of problems listed such as businesses hiring illegal’s to save themselves money. I also agree that if the government starts fining companies for the number of workers that are illegal they will start to end that problem. If they know they will lose money they will stop trying to get away with breaking the law. Also in this blog is Mr. Waggoner discusses how there is big problem with using illegal’s to bring drugs into the U.S. This is a good blog about the problems with illegal immigration and how the government should be doing more to solve this problem. This blog had a lot of key arguments about why illegal immigration is a big problem, and for me this is a big problem to me. Being in Texas this is a problem for us so I must argue more should be done to stop this problem.

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