Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

In the article “Pentagon: No Plans to Change Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy after Court Ruling” at FOXNEWS  it states that the military wont reinstate any gay members discharged. The soldiers were discharged under the “don’t ask, don’t tell policy” even though a judge’s ruling last week ruled the policy unconstitutional. A pentagon spokeswoman said that this decision has no affect on military policy because the current law is still in affect. The judge that ruled this unconstitutional was District Judge Virginia Phillips who also said that the policy “violates their constitutional rights and has a direct and deleterious affect on the armed forces.” The Human Rights Campaign a gay rights campaign has said that 14,000 service members have been discharged. Imagine how many more service members could be discharged if the military knew they were gay, that number may be a lot more than 14,000 in the next few years. When does the government have the power to choose who can service the military? Is the military allowed to discriminate against someone’s sexual preference?

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